Now that you've finished writing your eBook and have abasic understanding of what an eBook compiler does,you may be feeling overwhelmed by the number ofcompilers on the market. To help you make yourdecision, I have tested and reviewed the best-ratedeBook compilers currently available.
* E-ditor
This software has a demo version that you can downloadto try out before purchasing. You can't actually usethe demo to create an eBook, but you can run thesoftware and test it out thoroughly to see if it doeswhat you need it to do for your particular eBook.
This eBook compiler is one of the easiest to use. Thesoftware has a very user-friendly help menu thatprovides instructions for and explanations of everyfield on every screen. The program also includes videotutorials demonstrating every step of this compilerwith clear explanations of all fields that need to befilled out. There are 7 screens that you use to chooseyour eBook options.
This compiler requires your files to be in HTMLformat. You follow simple directions, and the compilerloads your files. If you decide to edit your eBookafter it has been compiled, make any changes in youroriginal files and click on "Compile you eBook" andyour changes will appear in your compiled eBook.
E-editor allows for some customization of your eBook.You can create a special page that appears when theeBook is opened; create customized icons that appearon the desktop after downloading; use your own logo onthe task bar of your eBook; customize the task bar'sbuttons, where the task bar appears in your eBook, andchoose the task bar's colors. Additionally, you canchoose to have the eBook open to the last page read,which many of your buyers will appreciate.
An excellent and unique feature of E-ditor is thecapability to choose a standard Microsoft window or tocreate your own design for a window to personalizeyour eBook. The program provides some sample windowdesigns, but you can use any .bmp (bit map skin)graphic you have stored on your hard drive.
E-ditor is a good choice if you are new at producingeBooks because it is easy to use and allows you tocustomize the appearance of your eBook.
* Desktop Author
This compiler does not require a browser, nor do youhave to download software or plug-ins. The programconverts exe. files into pages that look like astandard book. You can create and produce eBook pagesscaled to fit on your computer screen without anyscrolling. Additional features include WYSIWGY (whatyou see is what you get) page editing and creation,the ability to manipulate internal images, cut andpaste functions, hotlinks to pages, email, website, orother files. It is an excellent compiler to use for amarketing tools, such as creating brochures andmanuals in addition to eBooks.
* EBook Edit Pro
This compiler provides a demo version, which allowsyou to test out its features. The software uses aWizard that leads you step-by-step through the set-upand creation of your eBook. Customization includestext editing that appears on the pop-up startingmessage window; the ability to allow or preventresizing of your book and the mouse-click pop-up menu;enabling or disabling the navigation bar and choosingthe buttons you want to appear; and customizing theeBook's desktop icon and the logo that appears on thenavigation bar.
Ebook Edit Pro is loaded with excellent features thatallow you to create multi-media Ebooks, and includes aWizard that is customized for beginners and foradvanced users. The software uses HTML files,downloading them from the directory where they aresaved. Edit and resave your files in the originalsoftware used to create those files, and then with asingle click you can re-compile your Ebook.
Features include customization of icons, toolbars, andthe "about box." This compiler has a particularlyuseful feature called the Rebrander feature. Thispermits you to enter customized code into your Ebookpages and distribute the Rebrander software to youraffiliates or distributors. They can then customizethe links included in the Ebook, but they can notalter any link or information that you have notentered a customized code for.
The software includes "eBrand-It" software that allowscustom fields for your customer's name, affiliate IDor URL. This feature is a powerful marketing toolbecause affiliates are much happier giving away yourEbook from their own site when they can customize it.
* Ebook Compiler
This compiler offers a demo version that allows you tocompile 10 files. If you don't include graphics, youcan create a 10 page Ebook that allows printing andcopying of the Ebook. The catch is that you can't sellany Ebook you create in the demo version.
The purchased software is user-friendly witheasy-to-follow help files that not only guide youthrough the steps of compiling your Ebook, but alsoexplains what an Ebook compiler does. The softwareprovides detailed instructions on how to create sourcefiles from Microsoft Word 2000 and 1997, PowerPoint2000 and 1997, and HTML documents. It contains lessdetailed instructions for creating source files fromother programs.
This compiler allows for password protection of yourentire Ebook or for selected pages. Additionally, youcan set a time limit on your Ebook. When the runs out,the customer no longer has access unless they pay forit. In other words, it allows you to create a demoversion of your Ebook for marketing purposes.
You can set a single password or multiple passwords.Using multiple passwords assigns each user their ownspecific password. Online help files guide you throughsetting up your passwords. You can also create a Salesand Thank-you page for selling a password protectedEbook. This is a good choice for the novice,particularly since it includes basic features forpassword protection and distribution.
* Activ Ebook Compiler
This is an easy to use compiler that providesexcellent features. This software can support HTML,JPEG, GIF, and all active plug-ins. Features includespassword protection, branding, internet linking, iconcustomization, assigning unique serial numbers, splashscreen, file compression, and start-up messages. Italso provides free lifetime upgrades. Additionally, itincludes a preprocessor, re-brander, active script,and detailed instructions for using HTML, Power Point,and Microsoft Word files.
There are several other excellent Ebook compilers onthe market that are worth looking into.
Ebook Generator features splash screens, passwordprotection, branding, icon customization, andcompression control. Additionally, it includes virusprevention that alerts the user to any modificationsmade to your Ebook and offers usage statistics so youcan track your Ebook's use. With all these advancedfeatures, this is an excellent compiler for thebeginner because it is exceptionally easy to run.
Ebook Creator is another excellent compiler,supporting HTML, JPEG, GIF, and PNG graphics, andJavascript, VB script, and Java applets. It alsosupports all Internet Explorer plug-ins. Standardfeatures include unique serial numbers, direct linkingto a form or a page on your website, disabled rightclicking, and search functions. The software allowsfor expiration after a set number of days or usages,which allows you to create demo versions. You cancreate up to 1000 different passwords; every time theEbook is downloaded, a unique password is required toaccess protected pages. The software providesuser-friendly menus and buttons that allow thebeginner to the advanced user to easily create theirEbook.
Obviously, there are some excellent compilers outthere. So figure out EVERYTHING you need in terms offeatures, and then compare prices and options. Do takeadvantage of demo versions if they are offered beforepurchasing. And then, have fun creating your Ebook!
e mërkurë, 23 maj 2007
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